Mechatronics & robotics vacancies

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opdrachtgevers in de mechatronica & robotica branche.

Mechatronics & robotics jobs

Mechatronics is the optimal design of mechanical systems. The mechatronics branch consists of various disciplines, including robotics. Robotics, a technical discipline, falls under mechatronics and is the branch of science that studies and develops robots. This field looks at how robots can be applied in everyday life, such as in hospitals, technical or production companies, space travel and security. Orion Engineering has several clients where you can work in the field of Mechatronics and Robotics.


Our mechatronics & robotics challenges.

High Tech & Semiconductors

Software Test Engineer – Eindhoven

Are you a motivated team player with hands-on focus and a good communication skills? And do you want to broaden your personal and professional development in the technology field? Then you might be the new Software Test Engineer at one of our partners!

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We would love to do the searching for you!
High Tech & Semiconductors

Software Test Engineer – Eindhoven

Are you a motivated team player with hands-on focus and a good communication skills? And do you want to broaden your personal and professional development in the technology field? Then you might be the new Software Test Engineer at one of our partners!

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We would like to use our knowledge and experience to find the ideal place for your technical talent!